Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Goal: Half Marathon

So...I've decided that I want to train for a halfie! That's 13.1 miles. Am I nuts, you ask? Perhaps. But that's not the point.

The point is I'M DOING IT. Come hell or high water (or more likely injuries and bruised egos) I will do this. There is one race in particular I have my eye on.

The Battleship Half Marathon in Wilmington on November 3rd.

That gives me 7 months to train. Plenty of time!

This will be done.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A little Saturday Quad Action

All this running (and a month of Insanity) has done some good for my quads and hamstrings. I'm digging it. That is all.
Don't look at how messy my room is!

10k Day!

We did it! HealthyLittleMe and I ran our first 10k!

Finish Line photo op.
It was rainy, cold, and my hip flexor has been sore for weeks, but we did it! My pace was slower (around 11.10 minutes per mile) than usual - I was trying not to exhaust myself right out of the gate - and I finished at 1 hour 11 minutes. I'm not proud of that time (it's not a PR) but I am proud that I finished the race with my head held high, ran the entire race, and went through with it after it poured and with my hip flexor issues.

Tomorrow should be fun. A 5k that a lot of our friends are running is tomorrow morning. I hope I can walk by then!

PS: I post regularly on if you miss me too much ;)