Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Body the Saboteur

Tip of the day: Do not do too much too soon.

Why you no cooperate, body?!
Do not assume you can pick up right where you left off. It will result in a very bad time. I went for a run Thursday afternoon (in misty 44 degree weather) with my fave running partner who happened to be home from Wyoming for a little while. She challenged me to two miles and if I lost, I had to listen to Justin Bieber the next time I ran. I made the two miles, which was great on many levels, but I was mostly happy to not have to listen to The Biebs next time out. "I totally got this" I thought. It felt great to be running again (and not worrying about exams or finals). The next morning my legs were sore because, lets be honest, I haven't thought about running in over 2.5 months. However, I was motivated, I was up for the challenge, and mostly, I just wanted to run. I made it about 1.5 miles before my quads just threw up their hands and said "screw you lady, we quit!" I felt discouraged because I wanted to go 2.5 that morning. Up the ante, so to speak. The hubby's parents came to visit for a few days for graduation and we decided to go shopping (all day) for Christmas gifts and graduation accoutrements. The outside of my right foot started hurting. First a dull achy pain then escalated to a sharp pain with every step. It started to swell and form a bruise. Great. Another injury to waylay my progress. I went to graduation in heels (not so bad since most of the weight was on the ball of my foot) but as soon as I took them off and planted my foot flat on the floor.... *&^$#@! I plan to see a doctor Monday to see if it's a pulled tendon, a stress fracture, or what and most importantly, when can I start running again?!

On a more positive note, the healthy eating habits (I will not call this a 'diet' because this is a lifestyle change) are on point! No grains, no sugar, no processed foods in over 2 weeks! Even when a basket of hushpuppies was staring at me, I said no. I ate a salad with NO dressing (because it was a 'creamy' balsamic) for the first time ever. Meat, eggs, nuts, fruits, and veggies. That's it. Though I will be honest, the hubby brought home donuts about 2 days in and I ate one, and not 5 minutes after I felt nauseous and got a headache. Totally NOT worth it. I feel fantastic though and am down 5lbs. Yay for small victories!!!
Spinach and strawberry salad with cranberries and almonds!

Spaghetti squash and turkey sausage with a fresh tomato sauce!

Aside from the foot sabotage, things are going well, I suppose :)

1 comment:

  1. Regroup and rest. Get some dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO, from the local feed and seed or the interwebs. Use that to get the local inflammation under control. Once the pain is manageable and a stress fracture has been ruled out, start to roll the bottoms of your feet on a can of veggies on the floor. Go light and slowly add more pressure. This will help massage the tendons and loosen them up. Good way to help or avoid plantar fasciitis.
