Sunday, December 2, 2012

No Carbs 'Til Christmas & The Paleo Way

Enter: The Paleo Diet (aka Paleolithic Diet, Primal Diet, Caveman Diet). 
The Paleo Diet is a diet based on the idea that our bodies are a fine tuned machine that runs best on the food items that it was "designed" for through thousands of years of evolution.  Meat, fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds; essentially the foods available to early humans (hence the term "paleo") through hunting and gathering.  Modern technology, while fantastic in so many regards, has given us over processed foods, grains, and dairy - things our bodies can't digest as easily.  Learn more here: Paleo Lifestyle

 If you think about it, our species health (in terms of weight related issues - not longevity) began to decline when processed foods and grains became readily available.  Makes sense, right?  Here's the thing... it actually works.  I did the Paleo thing for about two and a half months while my hubby was off playing with rocks for field course in geology.  I lost somewhere around 18 lbs, felt energized, and less "groggy" mentally - this is also when I was running 5k's, so there was no shortage of fuel or energy.  Then he came home and I went back to eating whatever/whenever and it all came right back.  I have also learned that I'm lactose intolerant, so this is a good fit for me because I try to avoid dairy anyway.  Oh but the grains.  Pasta.  Bread.  BEER.  Yeah, that last one is a toughie for us geologists as that is half of our diet in general.  But it all must go.  Thus begins my "No Carbs 'Til Christmas" goal.  I'm not even going to pretend that I won't be tempted by a cookie or roll during Christmas, what with the dinners and family get-togethers and whatnot.  With that in mind, I plan to Paleo diet it up until Christmas and then resume said diet when the festivities are over.  I started today!  I pulled out my Paleo cookbook and made egg muffins!  You can seal them up in the fridge and pull them out to eat for breakfast another day or as a snack. 

It's incredibly simple:

6 eggs
Broccoli (1/4 cup chopped)
Red and green peppers (1/4 cup chopped)
Onion (1/4 cup chopped)
Coconut or almond oil (to grease a muffin tin)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Grease a muffin tin with oil.  Rinse and chop veggies and distribute amongst 6 muffin... holes (in the muffin tin - is there a term for this?)  Beat eggs and pour into muffin tin.  Sprinkle salt and pepper over each and give them a brief stir to coat the veggies.  Pop them in the oven for 18-20 mins and voila, egg muffins!  And they're pretty darn tasty, too.

About that running thing... I need to get on that.

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